Гэта — архіўны сайт (2007-2020). Актуальны сайт тут: http://greenparty.byThis is an archive site (2007-2020). Current site is here: http://greenparty.by |
Statement of the Belarusian Green Party in defense of independence of Belarus
We, the Belarusian Green Party, are calling for an end to secret negotiations on the "in-depth integration" of Belarus and Russia, which jeopardize the very existence of an independent Belarus. -
Statement of the Belarusian Green Party on the detention of journalists and media disruption
On August 7 and 8, editorial offices of the independent information agency BelaPan, the largest information portal TUT.BY and the newspaper “Since” were searched by the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus. Six journalists and editors were detained. Some of them remain in detention, their apartments have been searched. Personal and editorial equipment have been seized. -
Resolution or Global Greens
From 17 February, 2017 a new wave of widespread political repression has been taking place in Belarus (documented by Belrusian and international human rights observers and the media). -
Statement of European Green Party
Following to the detention of hundreds of protesters in the streets of Minsk last week, including several members of the Green Party, European Green Party co-chairs Reinhard Bütikofer and Monica Frassoni said: “We strongly condemn the most recent repression against activists and against freedom of expression and freedom of assembly in Belarus.
News13 September 2016
Statement of the Belarusian Party of Greens on the results of elections 2016
This year representatives of the Belarusian Party of Greens took an active part in the election campaign -
News05 April 2014
A Different Opposition is Possible
The Belarusian Green Party appealed to the left-wing parties and organizations to organize a Congress in the fall, the results of which could form a common electoral bloc for the elections in 2015. -
News03 April 2014
Protecting a park in Gomel
Belarusian Green Party activists are collecting signatures against the destruction of green spaces and deconstruction of historical monuments in the student park in Gomel. -
News12 February 2014
Don't Throw Away Garbage
Dmitry Kucuk, Deputy Chairman of the Green Party, presented on Belarus national TV his vision of the propsects in the field of recycling. -
News12 February 2014
Climatic Promises – Tricks
International climate negotiations under the auspices of the UN are already stalled and increasingly resemble provincial vaudeville theater.